Linksys Dual-Band Wireless A+G Router reviewed

Wrap up

Linksys has consistently tried to be at the front of the draft-11g pack with a very aggressive product introduction schedule, but I think this time they should have let the cake bake a little longer. Don't get me wrong, the WRT55AG is an impressive product and does provide simultaneous connection for 802.11a, b, and draft-11g clients. But there are too many significant bugs and the 11b and 11g performance just not as good as it could (and should!) be. Not exactly the way to impress customers... or Linksys' new owners.

I also find it pretty ironic that the best performance of a product that uses the "G" letter to get buyers' attention comes from the much-maligned 802.11a section. As I've said before, Atheros' second-generation 11a technology is going to make users take another look at the wireless standard that many of them had given up for dead... and I think they'll like what they see.