Upgrade Wireless Adapter Driver on Windows Vista*

Windows Vista* provides several methods to obtain information regarding the wireless adapter and driver on your computer.

  1. Start籆ontrol Panel籗ystem and Maintenance籗ystem籇evice Manager籈xpand Network Adapters in the right pane籋ighlight and right-click wireless adapter籔roperties籇river tab
  2. Right-click the 'Computer' icon located on the Desktop籆lick Manage籋ighlight Device Manager籈xpand Network Adapters in the right pane籋ighlight and right-click wireless adapter籔roperties籇river tab
  3. Start籆ontrol Panel籒etwork and Internet籒etwork and Sharing Center籑anage wireless networks籄dapter Properties籆onfigure籇river tab
  4. Start籒etwork籒etwork and Sharing Center籑anage wireless networks籄dapter Properties籆onfigure籇river tab
  5. Right-click mouse on System Tray icon (2 computer monitors image at lower right of screen)籒etwork and Sharing Center籑anage wireless networks籄dapter Properties籆onfigure籇river tab

    Note: Digital Signer should show Microsoft as the signer for officially released drivers.

Update the Driver:
  1. Obtain the updated driver(s) from your computer manufacturer and download to your computer. Generic versions are available on http://support.intel.com but they should only be used if your manufacturer does not produce or provide them.
  2. Click Update Driver button.
  3. Click 'Search automatically for updated driver software' if you have a direct connection to the Internet. Otherwise, click 'Browse my computer for driver software.' We will use the second option for this example.

  4. Browse for the location to which you saved your driver file(s) and click Next.

  5. The system begins the installation process.

  6. The installation is successful. Click Close.

  7. Return to the Driver tab and notice the Driver Version was upgraded from to

  8. If the wireless adapter fails after updating the driver, roll it back to the previously installed driver. Click the 'Roll Back Driver button. Click Yes to confirm the roll back operation.

  9. Notice the Driver Version reverted back to

Alternative Driver Upgrade Method:

The preceding driver upgrade method is preferred. However, you may automate the process if you have a driver package from your computer manufacturer or Intel's Support Web site (generic version not recommended).
  1. Open the Driver folder on your computer.
  2. Double-click the iProdifx icon and wait for installation to complete.

  3. The driver is updated to

Operating System:
Windows Vista* Starter, 32-bit version, Windows Vista* Home Basic, 32-bit version, Windows Vista* Home Premium, 32-bit version, Windows Vista* Business, 32-bit version, Windows Vista* Enterprise, 32-bit version, Windows Vista* Ultimate, 32-bit version, Windows Vista* Home Basic, 64-bit version, Windows Vista* Home Premium, 64-bit version, Windows Vista* Business, 64-bit version, Windows Vista* Enterprise, 64-bit version, Windows Vista* Ultimate, 64-bit version

This applies to:Intel®PRO/Wireless 2100 Network Connection
Intel®PRO/Wireless 2200BG Network Connection
Intel®PRO/Wireless 2915ABG Network Connection
Intel®PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection
Intel®Wireless WiFi Link 4965AGN